A Liberal Catholic Lent
The Most Reverend Bennett D. D. Burke
Traditionally, Christians have observed Lent as a time of sacrifice and suffering. Lenten disciplines have focused on giving up the things of the world – foods, addictions, habits, etc. – in remembrance of Jesus’ forty days of temptation and suffering in the wilderness. While sacrifice in the service of others certainly has redemptive power, Lent can also be a time of joyful reflection, learning, and service. By following the example and journey of Jesus, we can find for ourselves a path of spiritual renewal and greater faith. We can use this time not just to give up, but to take up – to take up the cross of Christ. This Lent, we can share His burden, and the burden of others who hunger and thirst. Serving in joy, we truly show our love.
“Say, then, from the heart that you are the perfect day, and in you dwells the light that does not fail. Speak of the truth with those who search for it and of knowledge to those who have committed sin in their error. Make firm the foot of those who have stumbled and stretch out your hands to those who are ill. Feed those who are hungry and give repose to those who are weary, and raise up those who wish to rise, and awaken those who sleep. If strength acts thus, it becomes even stronger.”
The Gospel of Truth, The Nag Hammadi Library
Spiritual seekers in modern America often struggle between rigid and outmoded religious practices on the one hand, and an “anything goes” approach on the other. Seeking to offer an alternative to these extremes, the Liberal Catholic Church combines the Catholic form of worship - its stately ritual, its deep mysticism, and its abiding witness to the reality of sacramental grace - with the widest measure of intellectual liberty and respect for the individual conscience. The Liberal Catholic Lenten calendar offers a 40-day structure of study, prayer, worship and service, designed to help us move closer to God, and to our neighbors. This approach follows closely our Lord’s admonition, when asked to name the greatest of the Ten Commandments, that we should “love God, and love our neighbors as ourselves.”
When asked how to detect the sign of the Father in the truly faithful, Jesus said, in the Gospel of Thomas, to look for “movement and repose.” In that spirit, this calendar asks us to combine action and reflection. Reflections include readings, prayers, and attendance at special celebrations of the Holy Eucharist, including the beautiful and powerful four-day cycle of worship services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. Actions include a chosen spiritual practice, and outreach to others in our families, churches, neighborhoods, and the world. The calendar also includes regular Saturday reflections on the progress of your spiritual growth, and, in keeping with ancient tradition, Sundays as days of restfrom your chosen practice. Sundays, therefore, are not counted among the forty days of Lent.
1) Ash Wednesday
Open yourself to new ideas and attitudes. What have you learned in the past about your faith that you now suspect was incorrect or incomplete? How can you more fully open your heart and mind to the teachings and example of Christ? This will be our over-arching theme throughout the forty days of Lent. As a mark of commitment to your chosen Lenten practice, receive the sign of the ashes, which symbolize dying to the body, and being reborn in the Spirit.
2) Thursday
Open yourself to new actions or habits. Inertia often rules our lives. If asked, “Why do you do such and so?” a common reply would be “I’ve always done it that way.” Today, examine why you have made the choices you have, and for whom. Begin to think about what habits or choices you can change, to live your life more fully in the service of God and your neighbors.
3) Friday
Open yourself to new people. Get to know someone better - invite a stranger, a friend, or a church member to a simple dinner. Sharing a meal is a great way to open your heart to new friends.
4) Saturday
After several days of reflection, choose your Lenten practice today. Don’t necessarily focus on giving up something (though now would be a good time to stop smoking, give up fatty foods, and so on). Instead, why not consider taking on something that would help you break free of what keeps you separated from God. Examples? You could volunteer weekly with a hot lunch program, a food bank, or a committee of your church. You might resolve to begin a practice of daily prayer or meditation. Or here’s a simple idea: begin a regular habit of saying grace before family meals, thanking God for the blessings you have received.
First Sunday in Lent (attend Mass) - Intent: Self-Examination. Read John 3:16–21.
5) Monday
Find a place of solitude. Practice a few moments each day of silent reflection, prayer, or meditation. Many of us wonder why we don’t seem to hear God’s voice. Sometimes His voice is a quiet one, drowned out by the noise and busy-ness of our hectic lives. Sit quietly and listen, in the spirit of the Creator’s advice to “be still, and know that I am God.”
6) Tuesday. Resolve to begin a program of spiritual reading or study. Attendance at church discussion groups is one way to learn more, while also strengthening your relationships with fellow members of your community of faith.
7) Wednesday
Do you feel God has turned away from you when bad things happen? Recall that even Christ Himself had doubts in His hour of crisis, asking God to “take this cup from me.” Read Matt 26:36– 42 to find out how Christ resolved His own doubts and fears.
8) Thursday
How do you relate to God in good times? We have all been told that we should turn to God in times of sorrow or need. But do we also turn to God with thanks in times of plenty? Remember that “Eucharist” simply means “giving thanks”. Resolve to attend the Holy Eucharist, or Mass, as often as you can, even in the best of times, as a sign of gratitude for the many blessings you have received.
9) Friday
How can you make God more a part of your life in both good times and bad? Think about how participation in your church community can be a way of living the example of Jesus, an example of sharing both joys and sorrows with those who travel with us on our faith journey.
10) Saturday
Reflect on your practice. How is it going? What have you learned about yourself? What have you found most difficult about establishing and maintaining a Lenten practice?
Second Sunday in Lent (attend Mass) - Intent: Control of Speech. Read Luke 6:41-45.
11) Monday
We often find it all too easy to be critical of others. Does being critical make us feel better about ourselves? Remember our Lord’s words about removing the “log” from our own eye before trying to remove the “splinter” from the eye of another. What “logs” obscure our own vision? Reread
Luke 6:41-45
12) Tuesday
The New Year’s resolution to lose some weight has come and gone, and the extra ten pounds are still there. What happened? The best intentions come to naught without a plan to achieve them. Now that you have resolved to make some changes during Lent, write down a specific plan to achieve them. Sometimes it helps to announce your intended changes to a friend, who can give you support and encouragement.
13) Wednesday
It’s easy to talk about our priorities in life. The hard part is demonstrating our commitment to those priorities by actually spending time on them. What do you believe is important to you? Now, look at your calendar for the last month or so. How much time did you actually spend doing what’s most important?
14) Thursday
Take a look at the list you made yesterday, and the analysis of your calendar. You may have been surprised at how little time you spent doing the things you say matter the most. Resolve to devote more time and attention to your priorities, and don’t forget to make a plan to actually accomplish your resolutions.
15) Friday
We all say we love and care for others. How do we demonstrate this love and caring? Reevaluate how you put your words into action, and plan today to show someone your love.
16) Saturday
Check in with yourself again. What have you done this week to put words into actions?
Third Sunday in Lent (attend Mass) - Intent: Understanding and Compassion. Read John 8:3-11.
17) Monday
The gospels tell us about Christ saving a woman, caught in adultery, from death by stoning.
Reread John 8:3–11. What does this story tell us about His capacity for understanding, compassion and forgiveness? What can we do to better follow Christ’s example?
18) Tuesday
Read Matthew 25:35–40. Reflect on your feelings for the least of God’s children.
19) Wednesday
We all harbor biases or grudges against certain types of people. What are yours?
Identify a person or a group of people that you have hard feelings toward. Think about what you could do to bridge the gap of misunderstanding that usually lies below such hard feelings.
20) Thursday
How can you strengthen Christ’s love, compassion, and justice in your church family? How can you reach out to someone you don’t know well, or perhaps from whom you’ve been estranged? Think of a way to reach out to someone, and plan to act on it this Sunday.
21) Friday
Do you sometimes find it easier to forgive others than to forgive yourself? Think about those things that make you feel bad. Do they remind you of a difficult time in your life? Do they remind you of a perceived failure or weakness? Resolve to discuss these feelings with your pastor. Confession is good for the soul – reveal your feelings of inadequacy, and begin now to free yourself from their grasp.
22) Saturday
Check in with yourself – Lent is now half over. What have you learned? What changes have you made to ideas or habits? What has been the most difficult change, and why has it been so difficult?
Fourth Sunday in Lent (attend Mass) - Intent: Spiritual Refreshment. Read John 6:3-14.
23) Monday
No one stands outside God’s sphere of influence, and everything reveals His power. Reflect on those things that most strongly reveal God’s presence to you. How can you spend more time with Him in these ways?
24) Tuesday
Everyone qualifies for God’s love – absolutely everyone. Often God’s love reveals itself through the loving actions of others. Think back to a time when you felt most loved. From where did this love come, and from whom, and in what ways? How can you use this memory to refresh yourself? More importantly, how can you share it with others?
25) Wednesday
Someone you know feels less than worthy in God’s eyes, or in the eyes of others. How can you bring some refreshing spiritual water to the desert of their silent despair?
26) Thursday
Perform the act of service you decided upon yesterday.
27) Friday
Open yourself to receiving God’s eternal spiritual refreshment. Plan to spend some time alone this weekend, in silent prayer and meditation, receiving the gift of time alone with God.
28) Saturday
Check in once again with yourself. Will you spend time alone today in prayer and meditation, or will you do it tomorrow?
Fifth Sunday in Lent (Passion Sunday) (attend Mass) - Intent: Humility. Read Luke 18:9-17.
29) Monday
Reflect on that rare quality known as humility. How can you avoid exalting yourself over others, while still recognizing the special gifts God has given you?
30) Tuesday
Read Psalm 51:1-12. What parts of you must die to better hear God’s message of joy and gladness?
31) Wednesday
Find joy in serving others. Christ washed his disciples’ feet – the ultimate act of humility in His time. How can you humble yourself before others? Perhaps you can cook a meal or do a chore for someone you love.
32) Thursday
Humbling ourselves often means letting go of our egos, our resentments, and our false pride. Think of someone with whom you have had a disagreement, or even harsh words. Resolve today to reconcile yourself with them by setting aside your ego, humbling yourself, and making amends.
33) Friday
Jesus was tempted by power, by His own needs, and by an invitation to serve another master. We often face the same temptations. What kind of power over others do you seek, or already have? Which of your own self-centered needs separate you from others, or from God? Do you find yourself tempted to serve other masters? Can you humbly admit your own temptations? How can you best resist them?
34) Saturday
Check in once again with yourself. How has your practice changed?
What have you learned about yourself and your faith?
Sunday Next Before Easter (Palm Sunday) (attend Mass) - Read Matthew 21:1-11.
35) Monday
Reflect on Jesus’s humble entrance into Jerusalem, which mocked worldly triumph and success. His response to the suffering of the world was not to retreat from it, but to participate in it. In what ways do we ignore the suffering of others, while reaching for personal success?
36) Tuesday
Think about how wealth and material possessions separate us from others, and even from the better angels of our own natures. We live in separate worlds, divided by wealth. Which world did Jesus choose? What can you do to heal the separations caused by the growing wealth gap between the rich and the poor?
37) Wednesday
Continuing yesterday’s reflection, think about some tangible way of reaching across economic boundaries. Many of our neighbors are less fortunate than we are, often through circumstances beyond their control. How can you do more to participate, like Jesus, in the life of those who seem to have missed out on our current economic boom?
38) Maundy Thursday (attend Mass)
Read Luke 22:14–19. Reflect on the Latin origin of the word “maundy” – mandate, or “command.” What did Jesus command us to do at the Last Supper? How can you fulfil His wish?
39) Good Friday (attend Mass)
Jesus suffered on the cross, and even now He continues to participate in the suffering of others. How can you help bear the suffering of others, not for the sake of suffering itself, but for the benefit of your community?
40) Holy Saturday (attend Mass)
Today marks a special place in Christ’s journey, a place between the cross of suffering and the empty tomb of Resurrection. Find some quiet time for reflection today, and offer thanks to God for His help in maintaining your practice. Think about which aspects of your Lenten practice you will carry beyond the season of Lent, into your daily routine.
EASTER SUNDAY (attend Mass)
Greet each other with the words “Christ is risen!” Reply with “He is risen, indeed!” Rejoice in the knowledge that, just as Christ rose to eternal life, so, too, will we!
This Lenten Calendar owes a great debt to “The Joy of Discipleship – a 40-Day Lenten Calendar,” published by Alternatives, PO Box 429, Ellenwood, GA 30049.
Copyright © 2000 by St. Michael and All Angels Liberal Catholic Cathedral, 545 E. Palm Parke Boulevard, Casa Grande, Arizona 85222
Permission to reprint: This calendar is for your use. If you wish to reprint it, we are happy for you to do so. Please use the following credit line: “This material is from St. Michael and All Angels Liberal Catholic Church, 545 East Palm Park Boulevard, Casa Grande, Arizona 85222.” Please notify us that you are using our material or send us a copy of the publication in which it is printed.
The Most Reverend Bennett D. D. Burke
Traditionally, Christians have observed Lent as a time of sacrifice and suffering. Lenten disciplines have focused on giving up the things of the world – foods, addictions, habits, etc. – in remembrance of Jesus’ forty days of temptation and suffering in the wilderness. While sacrifice in the service of others certainly has redemptive power, Lent can also be a time of joyful reflection, learning, and service. By following the example and journey of Jesus, we can find for ourselves a path of spiritual renewal and greater faith. We can use this time not just to give up, but to take up – to take up the cross of Christ. This Lent, we can share His burden, and the burden of others who hunger and thirst. Serving in joy, we truly show our love.
“Say, then, from the heart that you are the perfect day, and in you dwells the light that does not fail. Speak of the truth with those who search for it and of knowledge to those who have committed sin in their error. Make firm the foot of those who have stumbled and stretch out your hands to those who are ill. Feed those who are hungry and give repose to those who are weary, and raise up those who wish to rise, and awaken those who sleep. If strength acts thus, it becomes even stronger.”
The Gospel of Truth, The Nag Hammadi Library
Spiritual seekers in modern America often struggle between rigid and outmoded religious practices on the one hand, and an “anything goes” approach on the other. Seeking to offer an alternative to these extremes, the Liberal Catholic Church combines the Catholic form of worship - its stately ritual, its deep mysticism, and its abiding witness to the reality of sacramental grace - with the widest measure of intellectual liberty and respect for the individual conscience. The Liberal Catholic Lenten calendar offers a 40-day structure of study, prayer, worship and service, designed to help us move closer to God, and to our neighbors. This approach follows closely our Lord’s admonition, when asked to name the greatest of the Ten Commandments, that we should “love God, and love our neighbors as ourselves.”
When asked how to detect the sign of the Father in the truly faithful, Jesus said, in the Gospel of Thomas, to look for “movement and repose.” In that spirit, this calendar asks us to combine action and reflection. Reflections include readings, prayers, and attendance at special celebrations of the Holy Eucharist, including the beautiful and powerful four-day cycle of worship services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. Actions include a chosen spiritual practice, and outreach to others in our families, churches, neighborhoods, and the world. The calendar also includes regular Saturday reflections on the progress of your spiritual growth, and, in keeping with ancient tradition, Sundays as days of restfrom your chosen practice. Sundays, therefore, are not counted among the forty days of Lent.
1) Ash Wednesday
Open yourself to new ideas and attitudes. What have you learned in the past about your faith that you now suspect was incorrect or incomplete? How can you more fully open your heart and mind to the teachings and example of Christ? This will be our over-arching theme throughout the forty days of Lent. As a mark of commitment to your chosen Lenten practice, receive the sign of the ashes, which symbolize dying to the body, and being reborn in the Spirit.
2) Thursday
Open yourself to new actions or habits. Inertia often rules our lives. If asked, “Why do you do such and so?” a common reply would be “I’ve always done it that way.” Today, examine why you have made the choices you have, and for whom. Begin to think about what habits or choices you can change, to live your life more fully in the service of God and your neighbors.
3) Friday
Open yourself to new people. Get to know someone better - invite a stranger, a friend, or a church member to a simple dinner. Sharing a meal is a great way to open your heart to new friends.
4) Saturday
After several days of reflection, choose your Lenten practice today. Don’t necessarily focus on giving up something (though now would be a good time to stop smoking, give up fatty foods, and so on). Instead, why not consider taking on something that would help you break free of what keeps you separated from God. Examples? You could volunteer weekly with a hot lunch program, a food bank, or a committee of your church. You might resolve to begin a practice of daily prayer or meditation. Or here’s a simple idea: begin a regular habit of saying grace before family meals, thanking God for the blessings you have received.
First Sunday in Lent (attend Mass) - Intent: Self-Examination. Read John 3:16–21.
5) Monday
Find a place of solitude. Practice a few moments each day of silent reflection, prayer, or meditation. Many of us wonder why we don’t seem to hear God’s voice. Sometimes His voice is a quiet one, drowned out by the noise and busy-ness of our hectic lives. Sit quietly and listen, in the spirit of the Creator’s advice to “be still, and know that I am God.”
6) Tuesday. Resolve to begin a program of spiritual reading or study. Attendance at church discussion groups is one way to learn more, while also strengthening your relationships with fellow members of your community of faith.
7) Wednesday
Do you feel God has turned away from you when bad things happen? Recall that even Christ Himself had doubts in His hour of crisis, asking God to “take this cup from me.” Read Matt 26:36– 42 to find out how Christ resolved His own doubts and fears.
8) Thursday
How do you relate to God in good times? We have all been told that we should turn to God in times of sorrow or need. But do we also turn to God with thanks in times of plenty? Remember that “Eucharist” simply means “giving thanks”. Resolve to attend the Holy Eucharist, or Mass, as often as you can, even in the best of times, as a sign of gratitude for the many blessings you have received.
9) Friday
How can you make God more a part of your life in both good times and bad? Think about how participation in your church community can be a way of living the example of Jesus, an example of sharing both joys and sorrows with those who travel with us on our faith journey.
10) Saturday
Reflect on your practice. How is it going? What have you learned about yourself? What have you found most difficult about establishing and maintaining a Lenten practice?
Second Sunday in Lent (attend Mass) - Intent: Control of Speech. Read Luke 6:41-45.
11) Monday
We often find it all too easy to be critical of others. Does being critical make us feel better about ourselves? Remember our Lord’s words about removing the “log” from our own eye before trying to remove the “splinter” from the eye of another. What “logs” obscure our own vision? Reread
Luke 6:41-45
12) Tuesday
The New Year’s resolution to lose some weight has come and gone, and the extra ten pounds are still there. What happened? The best intentions come to naught without a plan to achieve them. Now that you have resolved to make some changes during Lent, write down a specific plan to achieve them. Sometimes it helps to announce your intended changes to a friend, who can give you support and encouragement.
13) Wednesday
It’s easy to talk about our priorities in life. The hard part is demonstrating our commitment to those priorities by actually spending time on them. What do you believe is important to you? Now, look at your calendar for the last month or so. How much time did you actually spend doing what’s most important?
14) Thursday
Take a look at the list you made yesterday, and the analysis of your calendar. You may have been surprised at how little time you spent doing the things you say matter the most. Resolve to devote more time and attention to your priorities, and don’t forget to make a plan to actually accomplish your resolutions.
15) Friday
We all say we love and care for others. How do we demonstrate this love and caring? Reevaluate how you put your words into action, and plan today to show someone your love.
16) Saturday
Check in with yourself again. What have you done this week to put words into actions?
Third Sunday in Lent (attend Mass) - Intent: Understanding and Compassion. Read John 8:3-11.
17) Monday
The gospels tell us about Christ saving a woman, caught in adultery, from death by stoning.
Reread John 8:3–11. What does this story tell us about His capacity for understanding, compassion and forgiveness? What can we do to better follow Christ’s example?
18) Tuesday
Read Matthew 25:35–40. Reflect on your feelings for the least of God’s children.
19) Wednesday
We all harbor biases or grudges against certain types of people. What are yours?
Identify a person or a group of people that you have hard feelings toward. Think about what you could do to bridge the gap of misunderstanding that usually lies below such hard feelings.
20) Thursday
How can you strengthen Christ’s love, compassion, and justice in your church family? How can you reach out to someone you don’t know well, or perhaps from whom you’ve been estranged? Think of a way to reach out to someone, and plan to act on it this Sunday.
21) Friday
Do you sometimes find it easier to forgive others than to forgive yourself? Think about those things that make you feel bad. Do they remind you of a difficult time in your life? Do they remind you of a perceived failure or weakness? Resolve to discuss these feelings with your pastor. Confession is good for the soul – reveal your feelings of inadequacy, and begin now to free yourself from their grasp.
22) Saturday
Check in with yourself – Lent is now half over. What have you learned? What changes have you made to ideas or habits? What has been the most difficult change, and why has it been so difficult?
Fourth Sunday in Lent (attend Mass) - Intent: Spiritual Refreshment. Read John 6:3-14.
23) Monday
No one stands outside God’s sphere of influence, and everything reveals His power. Reflect on those things that most strongly reveal God’s presence to you. How can you spend more time with Him in these ways?
24) Tuesday
Everyone qualifies for God’s love – absolutely everyone. Often God’s love reveals itself through the loving actions of others. Think back to a time when you felt most loved. From where did this love come, and from whom, and in what ways? How can you use this memory to refresh yourself? More importantly, how can you share it with others?
25) Wednesday
Someone you know feels less than worthy in God’s eyes, or in the eyes of others. How can you bring some refreshing spiritual water to the desert of their silent despair?
26) Thursday
Perform the act of service you decided upon yesterday.
27) Friday
Open yourself to receiving God’s eternal spiritual refreshment. Plan to spend some time alone this weekend, in silent prayer and meditation, receiving the gift of time alone with God.
28) Saturday
Check in once again with yourself. Will you spend time alone today in prayer and meditation, or will you do it tomorrow?
Fifth Sunday in Lent (Passion Sunday) (attend Mass) - Intent: Humility. Read Luke 18:9-17.
29) Monday
Reflect on that rare quality known as humility. How can you avoid exalting yourself over others, while still recognizing the special gifts God has given you?
30) Tuesday
Read Psalm 51:1-12. What parts of you must die to better hear God’s message of joy and gladness?
31) Wednesday
Find joy in serving others. Christ washed his disciples’ feet – the ultimate act of humility in His time. How can you humble yourself before others? Perhaps you can cook a meal or do a chore for someone you love.
32) Thursday
Humbling ourselves often means letting go of our egos, our resentments, and our false pride. Think of someone with whom you have had a disagreement, or even harsh words. Resolve today to reconcile yourself with them by setting aside your ego, humbling yourself, and making amends.
33) Friday
Jesus was tempted by power, by His own needs, and by an invitation to serve another master. We often face the same temptations. What kind of power over others do you seek, or already have? Which of your own self-centered needs separate you from others, or from God? Do you find yourself tempted to serve other masters? Can you humbly admit your own temptations? How can you best resist them?
34) Saturday
Check in once again with yourself. How has your practice changed?
What have you learned about yourself and your faith?
Sunday Next Before Easter (Palm Sunday) (attend Mass) - Read Matthew 21:1-11.
35) Monday
Reflect on Jesus’s humble entrance into Jerusalem, which mocked worldly triumph and success. His response to the suffering of the world was not to retreat from it, but to participate in it. In what ways do we ignore the suffering of others, while reaching for personal success?
36) Tuesday
Think about how wealth and material possessions separate us from others, and even from the better angels of our own natures. We live in separate worlds, divided by wealth. Which world did Jesus choose? What can you do to heal the separations caused by the growing wealth gap between the rich and the poor?
37) Wednesday
Continuing yesterday’s reflection, think about some tangible way of reaching across economic boundaries. Many of our neighbors are less fortunate than we are, often through circumstances beyond their control. How can you do more to participate, like Jesus, in the life of those who seem to have missed out on our current economic boom?
38) Maundy Thursday (attend Mass)
Read Luke 22:14–19. Reflect on the Latin origin of the word “maundy” – mandate, or “command.” What did Jesus command us to do at the Last Supper? How can you fulfil His wish?
39) Good Friday (attend Mass)
Jesus suffered on the cross, and even now He continues to participate in the suffering of others. How can you help bear the suffering of others, not for the sake of suffering itself, but for the benefit of your community?
40) Holy Saturday (attend Mass)
Today marks a special place in Christ’s journey, a place between the cross of suffering and the empty tomb of Resurrection. Find some quiet time for reflection today, and offer thanks to God for His help in maintaining your practice. Think about which aspects of your Lenten practice you will carry beyond the season of Lent, into your daily routine.
EASTER SUNDAY (attend Mass)
Greet each other with the words “Christ is risen!” Reply with “He is risen, indeed!” Rejoice in the knowledge that, just as Christ rose to eternal life, so, too, will we!
This Lenten Calendar owes a great debt to “The Joy of Discipleship – a 40-Day Lenten Calendar,” published by Alternatives, PO Box 429, Ellenwood, GA 30049.
Copyright © 2000 by St. Michael and All Angels Liberal Catholic Cathedral, 545 E. Palm Parke Boulevard, Casa Grande, Arizona 85222
Permission to reprint: This calendar is for your use. If you wish to reprint it, we are happy for you to do so. Please use the following credit line: “This material is from St. Michael and All Angels Liberal Catholic Church, 545 East Palm Park Boulevard, Casa Grande, Arizona 85222.” Please notify us that you are using our material or send us a copy of the publication in which it is printed.